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Workplace Investigations

Workplace Investigations
Workplace investigations represent a significant risk and liability to your organisation if not carried out the right way. One of the common mistakes employers make is not getting a third party involved from the beginning.  The team at ABLA have the experience required in handling these sensitive incidents, providing advice, facilitation or mediation. 

ABLA works with employers to prevent and minimise the impact that a workplace investigation can bring to a business.  Our team knows the importance of a fair investigation that will hold up in court, and as a mission based organisation, ABLA focusses on the best outcome for your business at all times.

ABLA can offer you:

Workplace Investigations

  • Scope analysis – what needs investigating
  • Interviews – independent and insightful
  • Evidence – gather, review and assess
  • Analyse – identify missing pieces
  • Report – concise findings and recommendations
  • Review – HR processes

Workplace Procedures Reviews

  • Audit on workplace procedures to align with compliance obligations
  • Post-incident strategic review

Workplace Investigations Training

  • Inhouse training for HR professionals, business owners and senior managers
  • Induction training for senior managers
Engaging ABLA in an investigation will provide peace of mind around impartiality and give you confidence the case will hold up in court. 

Download the Workplace Investigations flyer

Call today for a complimentary workplace investigations consultation, speak to Luis Izzo or Kyle Scott on 1300 565 846.

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四虎影视 Lawyers & Advisors (ABLA) (ACN 146 318 783) is the Trustee of 四虎影视 Lawyers & Advisors Trust (ABN 76 008 556 595). Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.  Legal practitioners employed by or directors of 四虎影视 Lawyers & Advisors Pty Limited are members of the scheme.

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